One model that I use faithfully is basemental drugs. With sims 4, if you want a more dynamic game experience, you’re gonna want some mods.
Little things like that really helped to develop better relationships between sims. Like how in sims 2 you could slow dance with your partner and play catch with the kids. I feel like there needs to be more sim on sim interactions. To me, the sims 4 is less interesting as far as gameplay is concerned. (I refuse to play sims 3 because the sims look like play doh) I love everything about it, but the game is getting too old for newer computers so I had to upgrade to the sims 4. I’m not much of a gamer, but I do go hard for the sims. This post is gonna be a lot different from everything else on the blog, but I wanted to share this! If you like it and you want to see more stuff like this, let me know in the comments! *WARNING! THIS POST CONTAINS THE DISCUSSION OF DRUG USE! READ AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION!*